Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gone home 7,28,2007

"Gone Home"
August 2007

Friends ;

Thank all of you who have held us up in your prayers.

I may not be here for a while yet , got so many things to do that my days are a blur.

My best friend and companion of 47 years went home to be with the Lord July 28 at 10;14 am.
I was holding him in my arms when he left.
I had been holding his coffee cup letting him sips of coffee as he was tired and weak not sleeping much for the past couple of nights.

He did not die of cancer. All the x-rays could not even find the tumors so doctors told us the cancer was gone.

God is good.

He also had COPD which is chronic obstructive pulmonary Disease . That's put such a strain on his heart as his lungs struggled to get oxygen in to his lungs that he had a heart attack.

He had a heart attack in 1982 and surgery in 1983.

When it comes your appointed time you are going out of this world and something in this body has to quit working.

But Paul said to the believers ,"' absent from the body is present with the Lord".

So I know where he is and I am going to be with him again when my appointed time comes to leave this world.

The Comforter has truly been with me and my 4 children .Their spouses have been a tower of strength for me through it all. They still are here helping me make good decisions and going with me to get everything that you have to done.
What a reward to see Christ in the actions of my children and the peace that passes all understanding that God has given to each of us during this valley time in our lives.

Isa,53.4 has truly been fulfilled in our lives ".surly he hath bore our griefs and carried all our sorrows."therefore we do not feel hopeless.

The food that came into my home at this time was so much we had to send some to the abused women & children's Shelter Home .

Where I had been at hospital with Bill my pastor and his mother vacuumed and cleaned my home for me the day he died.

God went before me and provided all that I needed and still is doing that. I am walking in a dream.

He is such a big God I can not comprehend him.
It amazes me that he loves this Ole sinner saved by grace( a gift of God ) I see his love in all that have come through my door, in the abundant food , the friends who stood in my kitchen, seeing that all of it was taken care of & Put into coolers when the refrigerator would hold no more for 3 days.

The day of receiving friends there was a rainbow over our church where we were and it had NOT rained that day. God's sign that he keeps his promises if we trust in him.

I can truly say ; God keeps his promises and I stand amazed!
I know there is a long road ahead of me, a lot of adjustments to make, but that rainbow reminds me , he will be there and show me the way.

I can't wait to see him for there is No earthly words to thank him or to describe him with here.
I seen God in the people who stood in line for 3 1/2 - 4 hours to show me they cared.

Come soon Lord Jesus.

Wednesday August 8, 2007 - 02:09pm (EDT"

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